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the Patron ear as hand outs to the lesser non-great, non-white minority, even though the greatest majority of recipients were most likely Patrons, themselves, of the greater great white majority.
Then there were these Studious Band of Strikers. And while their vision was a bit hazy, they filed an occupational grievance against the Upper One Percent at the point of their financial haven, Mercantile Avenue, or more affluently looked upon as the Great White Wall. The strange thing was, the Local Coppers, whose vision was much more blurred, clashed with them. Instead of serving up evictions and arrests with bashing batons, they should have been serving up dunkin’ delights with cups of joe, refusing to dislodge the Studious Band of Strikers as a show of gratitude for the grievance filed on behalf of Entitlements (wages, benefits and pensions) indebted to them for the hazards of their occupation.
Despite these inexplicable nonsensical conflicts of interest, the Free Citizens began turning to the Mongrels to put pressure on the Great White Kings to make things right again. This is usually how it worked with the Free Citizens. The Mongrels would bare the burden, while the Great White Kings would delight in the fruits. It was a rollercoaster ride from bottom to top, then top to bottom. The formula to this haphazard governing was--the lesser the comfort level, the lesser the ignorance…the greater the comfort level, the greater the ignorance. The political climate was always measured by the comfort level of the Free Citizens. And once more, the debate would be over the debt with plenty of sarcasm coming from both sides.
The Mongrels argued, “A poor man, taking out a billion dollar loan for a rich man for a wishful and whittled weekly wage in return. Sounds reputable. As reputable as magic beans, or fowl that lay golden eggs. The Free Citizens have been bushwhacked and want out of this harebrained transaction!”
The Great White Kings argued back, “Friends, Countrymen, spare me your coin, spare me your currency. I only ask that you tender to me the clothes off your backs, the keys to your castles, and the food on your tables. What is yours is mine. For I am entitled!”
The Mongrels replied, “You sound like a great white King.”
The Great White Kings replied back, “And you beg like a mongrel.”
To the pure capitalist, it was a dilemma--more will always lead to less. And greed will lead to ruin. And for what it’s worth, the Great White Kings and the Mongrels shared mutual concerns. The Great White Kings knew a nation that was not financially strong would surely collapse, especially a free nation. And the Mongrels knew a nation that collected too much in taxes was a throwback to tyranny--a nation with no freedom. Of course in fairness, the taxes of those times went to the fortunes of the Great White Kings, and the taxes of these times went to the fortunes of the Free Citizens in such places as a socialized infrastructure, education, defense, securities, farm subsidies, and yes, even medical aid and convalescent care for the elderly. Ironically, all were Public Options and Entitlements. Still, again in fairness, placing your fortunes and freedoms in the hands of Great White Kings does defeat the whole purpose of freedom itself.
However, one should also consider, what was not provided for at the higher level would be made up for at the provincial and local levels with higher fees and higher provincial and local taxes with the added insult of Provincial Governors stripping away any Collective-Bargaining rights for the Free Citizens. In this inconvenient time, this latter measure was strongly supported by Pundits in favor of this Conservatism, even though their deals were negotiated by Lawyers or Agents--the ones who collectively bargained for them.
So the question was after all the Entitlements and Tax Breaks, who had more and who had less in the Great White Kingdom? Well, as one might guess, it was hard for the Upper One Percent to argue they had less. The peculiar thing though in the debate was that a primary villain, the Fuel Merchants, always managed to escape scrutiny from either the Great White Kings or the Mongrels.
Before they were great white kings, the Great White Kings were Fuel Merchants, themselves. And once they rose to power and became rulers, the Great White Kings decided to hold a Clever Auction for their merry band of Fuel Merchants--primarily Speculators and Fuel Chiefs. The auction lasted over a span of just eight years, the exact length of their current reign. The bidding started at one bill and four bits per gallon--the current going rate. It quickly jumped to two, then to two and four bits, then to three, then to three and four bits, then to four, then to four and four bits. And at the end of the span, the Great White Kings called out, “Do I hear a bid of five--five bills per gallon?!” It was inconceivable. It was robbery. The Free Citizens gasped. In spite of this, the Speculators and Fuel Chiefs made the inconceivable bid. The Free Citizens were stunned. They were also broke. Let this be clear, the highest the price of fuel ever was on average in it’s entire decades of history was one bill and four bits. And in just two years under one decade, the length of their reign, the Great White Kings had auctioned fuel off at the outrageous price of five bills per gallon. Indeed, it was a Clever Auction.
They blamed it on supply and demand and wars with Surrounding Enemies. But the reality of it was that they had hatched a variable scheme that was quicker to the punch than the variable scheme hatched by the Mortgage and Loan Merchants, who had to be bailed out. The daily commute was picking pockets faster than rising interest rates. Everything went to the pump. Everyone felt the pinch. Potholes and pumps prompted a precarious path.
A quick side note. Caught in the crossfire of the variable schemes were the Money Merchants and their Money Insurers, both Variable Schemers in their own right, gobbling up worthless mortgage assets like famished fools, placing the entire financial system at risk. They, too, had to be bailed out by a Mongrel Money Package, the first of many hostage negotiations. The trade off was, in return for stabilizing the financial market, preserving the savings, credit and investments of the Free Citizens, the Variable Schemers would get in return a Money Package that included bonuses obligated by contract that were passed out like it was Christmas time. Naturally, the Free Citizens were a bit perturbed with these lucrative rewards for malicious misconduct and incompetence. And once more they were saddled with the debt. The spurs dug deep. And while this malicious misconduct and incompetence was at the heart of the grievance of the Studious Band of Strikers, the Free Citizens really only had themselves to blame, voting twice over in favor of the Great White Kings, thus surrendering themselves as willing hostages to their Great White Rule and the great white rule of the Great White Wall. However, as fate would have it, with no funds available to bail out anyone, everyone would have a second chance to lose everything.
Anyhow, returning to the prompting of the precarious path, the Great White Kings also pointed the finger at the dependency on Foreign Merchants. Here is where it becomes most peculiar and where the Free Citizens should have been highly critical and suspicious. The Mongrels actually agreed with this argument. Mongrels and Great White Kings actually agreeing on something? Right there, should have been enough of an indicator something wasn’t quite on the up and up in the Great White Kingdom. The Mongrels made token proposals and gestures to acquiring alternative fuels. But their hearts were no more into it than the Great White Kings. It was always the same song and dance, a variety show of propaganda on both sides. The Mongrels knew as the Great White Kings, it wasn’t supply and demand, it wasn’t wars with Surrounding Enemies, it was the Clever Auction. Speculators and Fuel Chiefs were the real thieves. And it was the Great White Kings, who were the clever auctioneers. Even with the inflation of the modern time, the most the price of fuel should have ever reached on average was two bills and four bits. And the truth of the matter was, while the Mongrel Liberalism was to the left, and the Conservatism of the Great White Kings was to the right, like the Great White Kings, many of the Mongrels, themselves, were also in the Upper One Percent. And here is where they quite possibly had met in the middle--fuel is a profitable investment.
Could explain
the peculiarity why a primary villain, the Fuel Merchants, always seemed to escape scrutiny.
In any case, don’t misunderstand. The pursuit of alternative fuels should be considered a worthy action, as long as the fuels are not radioactive--nature’s constant and unpleasant reminder. And the Fuel Merchants did shower the Great White Kingdom with hope and a new standard for what was considered a bargain or cheap by lowering the bidding, for the time being at least, from five bills to four. Of course, the new standard might have explained the peculiar loss of jobs and economy that seemed like it would never recover.
“No money to spend, no money to buy. No money to buy, and the job market dies.”
This was the unscrupulous course of rhyme and reason insisted upon by the Fuel Merchants and Upper One Percent. Goods would shrink, while prices went up. Jobs were never the real concern. The real concern was cutting wages, benefits and pensions among the Labor Ranks--Organized or Independent--who lacked any real unity with one another. This included Educators and other municipal workers such as Fire & Rescue and the Local Coppers. The