The Great White Kings Read online

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thinking was the Free Citizens could most certainly be convinced the prospect of working for less and eating crumbs was far more sensible than the prospect of having no work and nothing to eat at all.

  Also, the upside to paying more for less was Conservation. At least, this was what the Utility Merchants tried to utilize with their proficient price proliferation.

  Moreover, the issue was never about spending. The issue was always only to chart an underhanded course motivated by greed to entitle more towards wealth and less towards labor and necessity.

  And for navigating this unscrupulous course of rhyme and reason, their critics called the Great White Kings imbeciles. An occasional shoe would be tossed their way. But nothing a little bob and weave could not remedy. Make no mistake. The Great White Kings were not imbeciles. They were geniuses. Evil geniuses. But geniuses, nonetheless.

  However, with genius comes a price. The Great White Kings and the Upper One Percent, for whom they lobbied for, had their backs up against their Great White Wall, so to speak. The Mongrels were willing to make the sacrifice and forgo the Tax Break that went to their Upper One Percent for the good of the economy, and most importantly, the people. Yet, the Great White Kings and the Upper One Percent, for whom they lobbied, still were not willing to make that unselfish sacrifice, choosing rather with this Conservatism to once more welch on their nation, and most unconscionably, their people.

  Even the new breed, spawned from the Patron prejudice, the Teetotalers, a delusional and frightening offspring of the old breed lead by Black Widows, advanced their opinion and asked the Free Citizens before they would ask their own elite. Everyone else before the Upper One Percent. They would even ask a soldier to give up life and limb for country. Yet, to ask the Upper One Percent to give up their Tax Break, was asking too much. Under the umbrella of the Great White Kings, this was what the Teetotalers and their leaders, the Black Widows, called patriotic and constitutional. A soldier’s life was spare change, while a fat cat’s wallet was priceless.

  Though they were Black Widows, like their fellow Teetotalers, they were still as white as the driven snow, at least in their way of thinking. They and their fellow Teetotalers would hold rallies to attract Free Citizens to join their Movement.

  They would preach, “The Mongrels question our Conservatism. They also question magic beans and fowl that lay golden eggs. But the story tells us, the beans were magic and that the fowl did lay golden eggs. Our Conservatism is right! And it is the Mongrel Liberalism that is foul and lays an egg that is not golden!”

  Although, the Mongrels disagreed with the politics of the Black Widows and their fellow Teetotalers, they had to respect their religion.

  In defense of the Black Widows and their fellow Teetotalers, they spoke in plain English. Yet, it was still unclear if the Free Citizens actually understood plain English. Even the poor, the tired, the huddled masses--Neighbors from South of the Border--much like every Free Citizen from the Old World, here by invitation of Miss Liberty, yet branded illegal in occupations above an agricultural serfdom, who spoke their Alien language, and who were remarkably adept at finding the suddenly scarce employment in this English speaking Great White Kingdom, while the English speaking Free Citizens still could not--understood, while it is the Merchants, who feed the people, it is also the people, who feed the Merchants. One can not survive without the other. When the Merchants feed only the Upper One Percent, and the Upper One Percent feed only the Merchants, that is when any kingdom or nation crumbles, then collapses, and finds itself at the mercy of it’s enemies. That is why it is also not wise for any kingdom or nation to allow pride to swell into arrogance or unsettling ambition, and surround itself with enemies, or owe a sizable debt to any party considered hostile, whether it be through revenue or vassal (slave--in plain English) labor. The greed of this Conservatism is what kills nations. And this was the understanding the Mongrels so desperately tried to convey to the Free Citizens in the plainest English possible. How much longer would they continue to allow the Great White Kings to lobby for the rich and ruling Upper One Percent, and throw everyone else to the wolves?!

  This was the question the Mongrels put to the Free Citizens.

  However, while the Mongrels languished in their hot and cold appeal and were relegated to the position of hostage negotiators, the Great White Kings could always count on delighting in the fruitful bigotry of the Free Citizens, who with this ignorance would continue to be willing hostages of this Conservatism. The Great White Kings could also count on the Black Widows, who with their pixieland politics and religion, spun a popular web. Though the Great White Kings feared--should the Black Widows ever rise to their level of power, their venom would surely bring instant death to the nation--for the time being, they reveled in their support and the support of the other frightening and delusional Teetotaling Offspring. So to bolster the comfort level and confidence in this Conservatism, the Great White Kings convened in a private court to formulate the Patron logic for a solution and made it final.

  Capitalizing on the Mongrel Question, as any good capitalist would, the Great White Kings announced to the Free Citizens, they would hold a great event in an outdoor arena. A thousand amongst them would be chosen randomly and placed in a pit whereupon a hundred wolves would be released to feast on them. And they assured the Free Citizens that although this seemed quite cruel and sadistic, those who made an honest effort would survive, thus defining freedom and the successful path of this Conservatism. Immediately, the Mongrels countered, passionately responding that throwing people to the wolves is the most perverted definition of freedom and warned once again such action only leads to ruin. However, the Free Citizens were open to the Patron logic of their Great White Kings and had more of a passion for The Great Event than any over blown response by the Mongrels. As long as one was not amongst the Chosen Ones, as holocausts go, this one looked to be as amusing, entertaining, and as promising a venture as other holocausts were. Although, the cost would be exorbitant--dollars, not human. The Mongrels even tried to petition this as a means to halt The Great Event, appealing more to the common intellect of the Free Citizens for practicality and necessity, rather than their goodwill and conscience. However, intellect was scarce, as scarce as goodwill and conscience.

  As a last resort, the Mongrels made a plea to the Pundits, otherwise known as the free press, imploring them to take up the noble premise and put a halt to this barbaric monstrosity. However, the Pundits, or free press, had long retired from being the watchdog eye designed to challenge tyranny. Their intellect was more whirling than that of the Free Citizens. Following the lead of their conservative colleagues, they had instead lent themselves out more as a stage for scandal and lunatics, so The Great Event, advertised as a murder and mayhem spectacle, was just the kind of booster they and their Networks were looking for. Entertainment was no longer just violent. Entertainment had to be psychotic. Though it was clearly a mutiny against the watchdog design, the Pundits respectfully abstained from the noble premise.

  It was decided The Great Event would be held on the twentieth day in the month of April in honor of the greatest white king of them all. And anyone could attend. Although, the price for admission was so high that really only the Upper One Percent could afford the steep outlay and luxury of attending. Yet, this wasn’t exactly the idea behind The Great Event. The Great Event was designed to win the hearts and minds of the Free Citizens below the Upper One Percent. So from a credit line with an open end, or ceiling, the Great White Kings, once more absurdly, borrowed from a powerful Hostile Party, then issued a rebate. And much to the delight of the Free Citizens below the Upper One Percent, this rebate stretched their finances just enough to allow them to attend The Great Event, even though it was of a greater cost and debt to the nation, and principally they, themselves, the Free Citizens below the Upper One Percent. A poll showed the Great White Kings to be at their highest approval rating ever.

; As choices go, the choice of who would be thrown to the wolves was hardly random--random amongst the poor, or anyone of a dark skin complexion, or of a disdained race or religion, or engaged in a same-sex relationship. Among the men, women and children chosen to be ripped apart by the wolves, this was as random as the choice would get. And for the intolerable offence of being poor, or of a dark skin complexion, or of a disdained race or religion, or of a same-sex relationship, one thousand were arrested by Police, or as it was put, “...detained indefinitely without due process or right to counsel...”--and stripped of everything they had, including their identities. And if that wasn’t enough of a disgrace, they would also be forced to wear armbands with a cross to clarify who was chosen to be segregated and marked for death. Actually, death is too polite of a term. Extermination may have been more apt. And so it was done.

  Finally, the great day for The Great Event arrived. The skies were clear. The sun shined bright. A perfect day for The Great Event and slaughter. The stadium was packed, standing room only. Ironically, there was plenty of color to go